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INSIDER - Treasure-Hunt of "Best Combination"

WHAT A CRAZY IDEA? I'm sure some of you have thought that when you first heard about the treasure hunt and search for hidden codes in the new music video "Best Combination" by EES. Yes, it was similar to us and we didn't understand it all that well in the beginning, what exactly was going on and how it was supposed to work.

But first lets talk about the music video that I assume you all saw.

Yes, that's what we call very different & creative! An EES head flying around and in the next moment it hops into an old bus as a virtual character through the picture.

Surely EES didn't do it all by himself? ...or Did he?-)

Well, actually he really recorded his head by himself at home. If you pay close attention to his sunglasses, you can also see the window and the neighboring houses! -) He also recorded his flying hat in front of a green screen one morning - as can be seen on his Insta story below how he did it.

The song "Best Combination" was not recorded in Namibia with the other songs for the Game Changer album, but was created after the tour with the producers. One of the producers from the trip, Kraans de Lutin, sent EES the beat shortly after the trip - because he was still very inspired by the whole "Nam Flava Style" and EES then made a song out of it.

This is about the best combination between Namibia-Germany, Africa-Europe. EES brings the styles together - as he says in the song "the mixer man" - fashion, culture, language, music, rhythm. So basically the best of both worlds.

EES couldn't get the title of the song out of his head because he celebrated the song and for a while he even wanted to call the new album that. But the more people he spoke to, the less he was convinced that this was the right title. Many would think the album was a "best of" and that would be misleading.


EES did not produce the video alone and there is actually a very exciting story behind it.

EES was approached in December 2020 by someone who has been following what is doing for quite some time already and who wanted to support his authenticness and creativity. He told EES about the idea of ​​a virtual treasure hunt and whether EES would provide him with a song for which he would then produce the music video with all the codes. However, this also means that EES will have no idea about the codes and also does not know where they will be placed.

The video was produced by a large German video production company "Lookin Friday" in Frankfurt. But EES got the video for approval and of course, he found some things that he had to change. Incidentally, that always happens and is perhaps one of those little insiders. If EES gives something out of hand and gets it again, he has to change it according to his vision & ideas. I mean he created the EES & Nam Flava Style himself!-) Incidentally, it was the same with the song. He sent the song back to the studio very often and wanted some things different. That even until shortly before the finalization of the album, this song was one of the last to be finished! -)

But some things on the other side are again just left as they are, that is the original Nam Flava way!-) For example, EES gets lost in the video at 0:35 and since he up everytime, no matter how often he tried to sing it correctly - the video agency then decided to pixel that part in the video, as time was getting short to do another reshoot of that part of the video. Can you see it?

The old VW busses and his Wuma drink can of course NOT be missing in any music video and luckily EES was allowed to express his creative wishes of things that have to be included. Thing is just, he did not agree with the first version of the WUMA bottle at all. So he photographed the original bottle from all sides and sent these pictures to the agency. The result is impressive. Can you see the difference and know which one is the right one! -)



That was so important to EES because this bottle design really only exists once. When EES designed the bottle with his buddy from Namibia back in the day - it was especially "custom made".

At first, EES was not that impressed with this treasure hunt. It all sounded so too complicated and somehow he didn't want it to be all about the money. But now, that he sees the outcome and the great new community behind the treasure hunt, he is really happy and totally enthusiastic about the whole thing. Perhaps it is also because he was allowed to donate a quarter of the bitcoin to a Namibian organization. This was the only condition that he gave to the donor of the Bitcoin and the scavenger hunt - and the latter was totally in agreement with the idea. Even if it made communication a lot more complicated because you no longer receive 1 Bitcoin, but "only" 0.75 Bitcoin can win - even if that is still a crap load of money!-)

See the Explanation Video to the #GameChangerHunt below:

And then roughly 2 weeks into the treasure hunt, phase 2 of the explanation was released - as there were some hacker attacks on EES social media and websites that tried to get the words in a very unfair way.

So all in all, this is a super exciting time and we would like to thank the donor (who incidentally wants to remain anonymous) of this bitcoin and the great idea and support for EES.

And if you still haven't fully understood how exactly the codes are hidden - you should MUST have a look at the Reddit forum for the #GameChangerHunt at:

Because there are already some videos explaining how certain codes are hidden.

SUPER INTERESTING, believe me! -) -----------------------------------------------------

We are always looking for new members. If you want to be part of the NAM Flava Family, visit us on our Facebook group, where all activities are planned. We really only want active members and that's why it's important to us that when you make a request, please write why you should definitely be part of our team. If that is missing or there are only three loveless words, unfortunately, we cannot let you in. But when you are inside, you can expect many advantages, such as live streams with EES.

or use our contact form ->

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