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INSIDER - "100"

EES cut out one song after the other and we can hardly keep up with the "Insider". How do you actually think that so many new songs are being released one after the other & these INSIDER? Is that a good thing because you have something new every 2-3 weeks or do you wish for a longer break in between so that it doesn't become a matter of course? Feel free to write in the comments.

It won't change the current schedule, but we're interested in your opinion.

So now for the video and the song 100.


"100" is a very personal song. EES talks a lot about itself and, for example, where it comes from ".... just al little boy from the streets of Africa!" and how he went his way.

The song itself is very minimalistic in terms of sound. Usually it is that a verse is rather calmer and the chorus is very powerful and goes up. EES wouldn't be EES if he followed any standards, so he did it the other way around. The verses are very powerful and the chorus is all the more calm. Pay attention to it, then you will notice that too.

Actually the message of the song is that you should be 100% yourself. Do what you feel and what you think is right.

(but make sure that it remains legal :) Editor's note).

EES is used to shooting such a music video within a day, or a maximum of two days. For this video he shot no less than 10 days. EES was supported by Felix Spitta. You already know his work from the music video "Feeling Alright". Felix himself lived in Namibia for a few years and therefore knew EES and his Nam Flava very well. That made the collaboration a lot easier, of course.

10 days is not common for a music video. But the team has accompanied EES for so long and everyday things such as visiting the hairdresser were filmed.

The students you see at the beginning were also more of a coincidence. Suddenly there were loads of students in the street where the video was being filmed because school was out. Everyone wanted to be part of the video and they did it really well.

The lyrics of the song are of course also about X-Factor and EES 'experiences in this regard. "... i knew X was my factor. but the industry as cruel, they said to change my style would be clever - they said sky is the limit. ... i'm like what, NEVER!". EES always knew he had the X-Factor, but THEY said he should change. Well, you know the story and its outcome! -)

The scene with the record deal is probably the longest scene ever seen in an EES video. Actually, a cut is always made after about 2 seconds and these short shots are not only common in EES videos, but in every music video. However, this shot lasted about 10 seconds. But even there, the team around Production & EES wanted to be outside the norm.

There were really a lot of locations. The scene with the deal was filmed in a restaurant during operation, you can see that when you watch the video again. The outtakes in particular made the guests laugh.

The film was also shot in a supermarket. Of course, you can't just shut down a market and shoot there. Somehow the EES team managed to get them in after work.

The salespeople were asked to stay and make it longer in order to be part of the video. And of course they all took part immediately.

EES then jumped from checkout to checkout and everyone partied together.

EES is really happy with the video and it can be too. It simply celebrates everything it stands for - GOOD MOOD, GOOD VIBES - just be yourself. It was definitely not always easy for EES to go the way he felt. It would be easier to do something that works and is mainstream. Sometimes he tried to get lost for a moment, learned from it and found himself again. If it doesn't feel good, it won't be done anymore. To withstand the pressure and to be and stay yourself, again and again, is an enormous achievement.

EES can be proud of itself, its path and this song. We are too!

We as the NAM FLAVA Family have started a challenge. We wanted to reach 10k streams within a week. We did that and it really is the first song where we did it.

However, we still have a second challenge open. We want to ensure that EES is invited to an interview by at least 3 radio stations. Of course, we would like the song to be broadcast by the broadcasters, too, but we let that run a little on the side.

Are you in? Do you also write to the radio stations and ask for an interview?

The more the better.

How you can also become part of the NAM FLAVA Family, you can read at the very end of the article. But now let's watch the "100" video together again.

We are always looking for new members. If you want to be part of the NAM Flava Family, visit us in our Facebook group, where all activities are planned. We really only want active members and therefore it is important to us that when you make a request please write why you should be part of our team. If that is missing or there are only three loveless words, unfortunately, we cannot let you in. But when you are inside, you can expect many advantages, such as live streams with EES.

or use our contact form ->

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