Dear friends, this insider will be different. This insider is going to be probably the most emotional we've ever had. But that's also part of it, it can't always be funny.
You all know that EES has been committed to preserving rhinos for ages. For some time now, however, a new problem has arisen, to which even EES cannot and does not want to turn a blind eye. I don't even know whether you should express something like that diplomatically or whether you just write it as it is. Since I don't know how to paraphrase it diplomatically, we call the child by name.
The Chinese are looking for third countries in which they can easily illegally clear forests through corruption. That's the way it is, and you can't say that nicely. Unfortunately, Namibia is also among them and you can see the trucks full of wood on the side of the road.
During the Bulli trip with the producers through Namibia they passed just such an overloaded truck and EES reported on the current situation and that it is a big problem.
1x1 is about this topic, about the illegal logging of Namibian forests.

The video producer was again Felix Spitter, we talked about him in the last post. EES and the producer thought about how to depict the drama in the video as blatantly as possible without sacrificing graphics, and it shouldn't be too brutal. So the two decided that it would be tough if the children had to wear masks. That should symbolize that the world is already so broken that it is necessary. PEOPLE, we're talking about September 2019. EES ordered 200 black masks that month and these can also be seen in the video.
Who would have thought that 5 months later the world would change so much that the masks are no longer a fantasy, but an integral part of our current life. With this knowledge, I think the pictures come across very differently than EES had planned. Different, but no less striking.

EES used twenty masks for the video. So he stayed on 180 black masks. But it had a good one, when the pandemic started and the masks were scarce, he was able to cover his entire environment with this.

When the video was edited by Felix, EES was not completely satisfied. Felix did a good job, but sometimes there are things in the artist's head that are difficult for others to do.
So EES went to the desert with his brother to shoot a few more scenes. EES 'brother sometimes mistook the camera for an EES music video, even if he is a hunter and doesn't have much to do with it. EES was very proud that his brother could now also take part in the video, as he is now part of it. If you look very carefully, you will see him in a few shots in the reflection of the sunglasses.

Unfortunately, now we come to the emotional part of this post.
A boy is depicted on the cover for the song and he is also the main actor with the children in the video.
Unfortunately, this little boy fell off his horse so hard in 2020 that he died of internal bleeding.

Little man, you made a small memorial to yourself with this video and we will all always think of you when we watch it. With your participation you have set an example for your home country. Namibia, think about your children and make sure that you leave them a wonderful Namibia.
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