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Corona has the world firmly under control. People are sitting at home and that also means that many women are exposed to sheer violence without being able to flee.

In some countries women are currently taking to the streets and want to draw attention to these abuses.

This topic has not passed EES by and that is exactly what his new song "CHOOSER" is about. As always with a release, we will provide you with the insider first hand and be warned, there will be a lot of text today.

In this picture, one or the other will probably notice the 77 Percent logo and that of Deutsche Welle.

How did it come about and what does that mean?

Exactly at the lockdown time, around April, EES was contacted by a Namibian who works for Deutsche Welle. He is not allowed to do interviews, but would be happy if EES gives him a few answers to questions. Even if EES couldn't do much with Deutsche Welle at that time, it did it a favor and recorded a few replies and these were then also broadcast. That was actually the moment when others at Deutsche Welle heard about EES and he was able to convince them of himself.

In September the next request came from them and they wanted to invite EES to a TV show. He gladly accepted the invitation and, as we know EES, it wasn't just the TV interview, but first he went from office to office until he got to the boss to talk to him about Namibia. Then EES also gave the boss to understand that if they ever want to start a joint project, they should definitely get in touch. TAKE EVERY OPPORTUNITY, was the motto.

Two to three weeks later the e-mail came in, in which Deutsche Welle suggested that EES could do a song for you on a topic that was important to him. They have done this several times and wanted to get EES on board. Of course, the prerequisite is that the song is about important topics in Africa.

No sooner said than done and EES wrote a song. The first stanza was as you can hear it now, but the second stanza was about corruption, as that is also a very big issue in Africa.

However, Deutsche Welle was not yet completely satisfied with this and asked EES to focus only on the one topic "gender based violence".

When he had finished the song, he sent it to DW and they were so excited about it that it quickly became clear that it wasn't just going to be broadcast once, but that it was going to be a bigger thing.

EES really wanted the song to be uploaded to Spotify and Itunes, but DW winced. Because that wasn't a common thing at all, which wasn't that easy to implement, because DW has its rules and at first it really looked as if it shouldn't work.

But there were dear employees who were very committed to it and so it is now that EES is the first musician that DW allows the song to be broadcast to radio stations and uploaded to streaming platforms.

What does that tell us? STAY AT IT and don't give up, because it's worth it.

If you work with EES, however, you can also expect some exciting moments. Yes, sometimes you hold your breath and wish that everything goes well and that's how it was this time too.

The song was finished, DW was happy with it and then EES called me 1-2 days later and told me that he was giving the song to a producer again because he was not happy with the beat. It was a bit older and he wanted it more modern.

"EES, but DW wants the song exactly as it is. It goes wrong, you can't do that!"

And how he could do that. The producer took the song and made it more modern. When EES sent me the finished piece, I was relieved because it was exactly the right decision. At the following meeting, EES proudly told DW that he had touched the song again and made it more modern. You could literally see the shock in the eyes of our Zoom Meeting colleagues. But we immediately made it clear to them that there was no reason for it. Fortunately, they were very happy with the result. * Phew

Then it was time to make the video and EES wrote to all the TV channels in Namibia and asked for video clips from demonstrations. A videographer then makes the recordings available to him.

What's our plan with this song?

"Gender based violence" is not only a problem in Namibia, but the whole world. We want to draw attention to precisely this problem. We have already started writing to the radio stations. Many from the Nam Flava Family are participating, which is really nice. Let's google for blogs that might be on the topic and let's post the song there. Look for websites that are interested in such topics and write to them please.

100% of the income goes to the MGEH Namibia, so stream what it takes :).

EES is happy that he was able to make a song that is so positive. As he himself said to me: "He is only the" messenger ", because the energy comes from far outside and he is proud to be the messenger".

Let's help him and carry the message out into the world.

We are always looking for new members. If you want to be part of the NAM Flava Family, visit us in our Facebook group, where all activities are planned. We really only want active members and therefore it is important to us that when you make a request please write why you should be part of our team. If that is missing or there are only three loveless words, unfortunately we cannot let you in. But when you are inside, you can expect many advantages, such as live streams with EES.

or use our contact form ->

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