Okaaaaaay, he's different! Unlike what you know from EES.
Let's take a closer look at this song and especially the video. Because some scenes are much more profound than they seem at first glance.

But let's start from the beginning! How did the song come about?
About a year ago, EES was tagged by our Alex Awesome (you know him from the Yes-Ja! Band) under an Instagram post by DJ Timbourine. EES already knew the DJ Timbourine because he made a remix of Bafana Soul with him at the time. EES hadn't even seen that it was tagged for 2-3 weeks and only came across it again by chance. There was a beat in this post and the DJ wrote that if someone wants to do something with this beat, please let me know. EES thought the beat was really cool and he wrote to Timur and got it sent to him. The problem, however, was that it was all a bit of German hip-hop style and not NamFlava at all (you know what is meant) and English would somehow not fit, EES thought.

So EES wrote to the Pesh, with whom he was already in 2015 in Namibia, on one of the first notorious #RoadtripNamibia. Pesh also writes lyrics with Phil Laude, among other things.
So EES sent the song to Pesh and he immediately had an idea with "no coke, no bitches, ..., no Lambo, ..." because of course he knew that EES would not rap about the things that everyone is talking about raps. Pesh said: "yes then don't rap about these things."
Pesh inspired EES to write the text with him on exactly this topic.
The song itself was mixed by Kraans (one of the producers who were in Namibia for the album). He works with Seed, Helene Fischer, LEA and many other big names in the German music industry. He also did a lot for the new album.
Then the song was sent to Volker Gebhardt for mastering (last instance and fine-tuning). He usually mixes all the big German stars and has only just finished the new Wincent Weiss album. Actually he didn't have time for the EES song either, although he thought it was really cool. EES wrote to him almost every day for 4 weeks and so he sat down on a Sunday and finished the song.

The song was finished and the second wave Corona came.
It turned out that at that time EES was in an online meeting for a charity with Crew10. After that meeting, EES called the guys from Crew10 and told them about the song. You were immediately enthusiastic about the song and really wanted to be there, because you lost a lot of customers through Corona and had time for such a project.
So Crew10 and EES developed the concept for the music video.
There are some interesting things to discover because this video is supposed to be a bit like a Trojan horse. You think this is such a chubby hip-hop song and video, but the song is exactly against it. But you don't notice that immediately, but only if you listen and look closely, and that's what we did.

First scene, EES draws in a Capri sun. Looks funny and should be a little allusion to Capital (Capi) Bra and the Capri sun is first made empty.
Of course, the Shaggon wagon should not be missing and this is preferred to a Lambo. This is a scene that is of course noticed very quickly and that everyone understands. But be honest, did you immediately check the flour and that it wasn't coke? For me it took a while and only clicked when the cake was in the oven.
By the way, EES had to bake pizza for months after the shoot because he still had kilos of flour left over.

But wait, doesn't the song say "... no bitches"? Then what do the half-naked girls in the video do (sorry girls, of course you are not bitches). It really was the case that EES originally wanted to have grannies dance in the video.
But then the idea of a Trojan horse would have been a bit lost, because none of the (tough) hip-hoppers want to see grandmas in such a video and that's exactly what he wanted to achieve with the video. So no grandmas in the video (very, very unfortunate).

Oh but what is that? EES and his crew raid a jewelry store. What initially seemed a bit strange, however, became a funny affair with the water pistols.

The video played in about 6 different locations and one should be added, but unfortunately it didn't make it. EES got an old farm (instead of a large villa - a barn) and wanted to pose with a goat instead of a dangerous Rottweiler.
Unfortunately it started to rain that day and the shooting had to be stopped in the middle and the goat was unfortunately not part of the video. But in the Making OF you can see some of the scenes at the very end that didn't make it into the video! -)
In the last scene, brand shoes, jewelry and money from the robbery are burned and we leave that as a meaningful statement.

A really successful video and it was more than overdue. The release was this morning at 9 a.m. and has almost 800 comments. Yes, something happens!
WHAT??? You haven't seen the video yet? So if you don't feel like doing it now, then I don't know either. If you celebrate the message, please leave a comment below the video, EES will be happy about that and it is a bit of a reward for its work.
Otherwise it streams whatever it takes, but you do that automatically for the song :)
We are always looking for new members. If you want to be part of the NAM Flava Family, visit us in our Facebook group, where all activities are planned. We really only want active members and therefore it is important to us that when you make a request please write why you should be part of our team. If that is missing or there are only three loveless words, unfortunately we cannot let you in. But when you are inside, you can expect many advantages, such as live streams with EES.
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